Advantages of Choosing a Local Contractor

When an emergency situation such as a hail storm occurs, the damage to your home can be significant and overwhelming. From broken windows to damaged siding and roofing, the aftermath of a hail storm can leave your home vulnerable to further damage if not addressed...

Price Increases

When will material prices come back down, should I wait ??                       That was the question asked of homeowners and remodelers this past year and the answer is revealing. Half of the homeowners (50%) expected prices to go down, while only 1% of remodelers...

5 Ways to Maximize your Hail Storm Insurance Claim

Call 816-468-8400 Hail Storm insurance Claims A hail-damaged roof is a property owner’s worst nightmare. Massive hailstorm damage assures the property will need a comprehensive roof repair service or a complete replacement. Fortunately, hail storm insurance claims...